Now Carroll is growing up with a family, instead of in an orphanage

Project Partners: Child's i Foundation

Our partnership with Child’s i Foundation (CiF) in Uganda started in November 2016. That’s when Hope and Homes for Children, Child’s i Foundation and ten other organisations, representing seven countries across Africa, became founding members of the Transform Alliance Africa

About Child’s i Foundation

Childs i Foundration was founded in 2009. They work with governments, national partners and a worldwide network of supporters to highlight the harm and cost of orphanages in Uganda and globally.

Visit Child’s i Foundation’s website

How We Work Together

In 2018, together with CiF, we began the implementation of a three-year UK Aid Match funded project focused on creating a pathway for family and community living for children in institutional care.

Families have been supported to reduce their vulnerability, access services and gain relevant skills to help them increase their income and protect all children. In addition, the capacity of government professionals and community paraprofessionals increased to strengthen families in responding adequately to poverty and ensure children are safe and protected.  

Together, we transformed three institutions to provide children with family-based care instead, replacing these orphanages with community-based services. This provides a crucial blueprint to help achieve more orphanage closures in Uganda in the future. 

Our Impact

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children reached in two districts

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professionals and paraprofessionals trained

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institutions transformed into community hubs

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children placed in family based care after leaving institutions

Our work has demonstrated how to build safe communities for children. Together, we have set up the local community-based services families need to thrive; prevented the separation of children from their families and replaced institutions with alternative care.