Now Carroll is growing up with a family, instead of in an orphanage

Project Partners: Transform Alliance Africa

Transform Alliance Africa started in November 2016. 

What is Transform Alliance Africa?

It’s a growing collective of organisations currently working across Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The Alliance’s vision is of an Africa free of orphanages, where all children grow-up where they belong: in safe and loving families. Our mission is to be a catalyst to end institutional care of children in Africa by using our collective voices, knowledge, practice, and experience to strengthen families. 

In numbers

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member organisations

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What does TAA do?

TAA actively contributes to regional and global advocacy initiatives. Among others, in 2019 TAA members endorsed the Key Recommendations drafted ahead of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the Rights of the Child, focusing on Children without Parental Care. 

In 2021, the Alliance issued a Call to Action to shed light on the situation of children without parental care in Africa during the Covid pandemic. In 2021, we submitted a contribution to the UNCRC Day of General Discussion on Children’s rights and alternative care, highlighting the need to support children in families, not institutions. TAA regularly holds capacity building sessions and thematic webinars for its members. 

Who are TAA members?

Transform Alliance Africa is made up of the following organisations: 

Orphanages have no place in Africa

The existence of orphanages in Africa is one of the last unchallenged legacies of the colonial past. In this series of articles, our Regional Advocacy Manager Stephen Ucembe explores the harm of orphanages across the continent, and explains how the loving bonds of family instead help children flourish in every way.

Read part 1 of the series

Get in touch

Visit Transform Alliance Africa’s website