Recommendations for the implementation of the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive

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Date: 15 July 2024
Author: Irina Papancheva

Following our joint successful advocacy on the revised EU Anti-Trafficking Directive, Hope and Homes for Children together with our partners Lumos, Eurochild, Missing Children Europe, European Disability Forum, ECPAT International, Child Identity Protection, World Without Orphans Europe, Child Helpline International, International Social Service, Romania Without Orphans Alliance, Tzuby’s Kids and Tearfund Ireland, have put together a paper with recommendations for the Directive implementation. In these recommendations, we call on the European Commission and the governments of the EU Member States to ensure that the rights and best interest of the child victims of trafficking, including those coming from institutions, are protected and adequate measures are taken to ensure their recovery and wellbeing. These should include meaningful engagement of child-victims on any decision concerning their lives and close collaboration with relevant civil society actors.