Thank you so much for choosing to fundraise for Hope and Homes for Children. Every penny you donate counts, and will help us continue fighting for every child to feel the love and belonging of a safe family home.
How to pay in your fundraising
So you’ve raised some money and now you’re wondering how to pay it in to us. Well, don’t worry – the hard part is over! There are a number of different ways to pay in the money you’ve raised. Just choose whichever one works best for you from the options below – online, phone, cheque, bank transfer or JustGiving.
And if you have any questions, just get in touch with us at [email protected]
To pay in your money online, just go to our online donate form at and tell us all about your incredible fundraising.
To make a card payment over the phone, just call our friendly supporter care team on +44 (0)1722 790111 and they’ll be happy to help.
Please make sure you let them know how you raised your funds – whether it’s from running the Royal Parks Half Marathon or organising a pub quiz at work.
If you have been given cheques, please make these payable to ‘Hope and Homes for Children’ and send to:
Hope and Homes for Children,
Unit 12, The Guild, King Street,
Wilton, Salisbury
Please include a note letting us know your name and how you raised these incredible donations.
Bank transfer
To make a GBP bank transfer, just use the details below. And please add a reference with your name so we know the money is from you.
Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland
Account name: Hope and Homes for Children
Sort code: 16–19–26
Account number: 10209641
BIC/SWIFT (if needed): RBOS GB 2L
IBAN (if needed): GB90 RBOS 1619 2610 2096 41
Reference: Your name
Once you’ve transferred the funds, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected] including your full name, the exact donation amount, the payment date and a brief description of how you raised the funds.
For payments in other currencies:
Swift Code: RBOS GB 2L
In Euros – IBAN: GB47 RBOS 1610 9010 0152 61
In USD – IBAN: GB56 RBOS 1663 0000 1003 78
In CHF – IBAN: GB63 RBOS 1663 0000 8536 51
JustGiving and other fundraising platforms
It’s easy to set up a JustGiving page via our Hope and Homes for Children JustGiving page.
Just go to and click on ‘Fundraise for us’ in the top right corner.
If you have already set up your JustGiving page and linked it Hope and Homes for Children, then the money you raise will automatically be transferred to our bank account by JustGiving.
If you have set up your own fundraising page on a different platform where people’s donations go directly into your personal bank account, please make sure you pass this money onto us via one of the payment methods above.